Calciu Dumitreasa
Inchis 22 ani

Horia Cosmovici
Greco - Catolic
Inchis 18 ani

Tertulian Langa
Greco – Catolic
Inchis 17 ani

Richard Wumbrand
Inchis 14½ ani

Silvestru Prundus
Greco - Catolic
Inchis 12½ ani

Matei Boila
Greco - Catolic
Inchis 10 ani

Bela Balog
Inchis 9 ani

Constantin Tudose
‘Oastea Domnului’
Inchis 7 ani

Constantin Galeriu
Inchis 7 ani

Dumitru Staniloaie
Inchis 7 ani

Sandor Szilagy
Inchis 7 ani

Ferenc Visky
Inchis 6 ½ ani

Sofian Boghiu
Inchis 6 ani

Ioan Giurgi
Inchis 5 ani

Kalman Szetlaki
Inchis 4 ani

Maria Deme
Prizonier voluntar
4 ani intr-un sat inchisoare

Sabina Wurmbrand
Sotia pastorului Wurmbrand
Inchisa 4 ani

Constantin Caraman
Inchis 15 luni

Vasile Vadan
Inchis 15 luni

Iosif Ton
Interogat timp de 6 luni

Elisabeta Ton
Sotia Pastoului Ton

The Romanian heroes of the faith are exceptional successes of the work God is doing in the world…creating those who can love, who become nurturers for others, who have prepared themselves to rule and reign as the Bride of Christ. Their ‘vital Christianity’ has inspired and challenged us, and I hope you, to think big…bigger…to think huge. To have overcome such impossible obstacles with love, with forgiveness, even with joy…to serve others while suffering themselves…this demands that I, in my freedom, do my best, my ultimate best, to make every day count, to stretch my dreams, to dare to love. They have demanded of my life that I tackle huge dreams. I can’t escape their example. Their inspiration, their hugeness, swallows me and continually provokes to good works. They make me, I hope they make you, stretch and aim for the moon.
Those of us who were privileged to spend time in their presence experienced their nurturing first hand. Father Sofian simply imparted peace to us. We knew why many would gather around him in prison. Some felt just the touch of his hand could heal. Sabina Wurmbrand’s sparkling wit and deep inner beauty left us feeling we had been in the presence of a queen. Father Cosmovici’s childlikeness…for much of the interview he kept us laughing… left us feeling we may be taking ourselves a little too seriously. But about God’s business, such as not having the word, ‘enemy’, he couldn’t be more serious. Till his departure for glory, scores would daily line up at his door for counsel, for food for their souls. Sandor’s glee was absolutely infectious. Caraman’s humility kept us needing to remind ourselves how honored we were he consented to be interviewed. He made us feel he was the one being honored. The look in Maria’s eyes as she recalled ‘holding Jesus in our hands’ will never leave us. There was a depth to Father Galeriu and Bela Balog that continues to challenge us…to be able to say, honestly, words similar to theirs…‘the gift of the interior life is unspeakable’…‘Enter your little room, your heart, and you’ll meet God’s holy angels, you’ll meet God Himself.’

We will continue to do our utmost to fulfill what we are certain is Holy Spirit’s burden…that the treasures, the wisdom and nurturing, they offer the Body of Christ, be provided to as many as possible by as many means as is feasible. Pastor Wurmbrand’s books, video tapes of his sermons and Sabina’s book, ‘The Pastor’s Wife’, changed our lives. They are available through the ministry they founded, ‘The Voice of the Martyrs’. Michael Bourdeaux’s brilliant books about the persecuted church in Russia, especially ‘Risen Indeed, Lessons In Faith From The USSR’ and ‘Aida Of Leningrad’ are available through the ministry he founded, The Keston Institute.

May God richly bless you as we persevere in God’s training program for eternity.

Un comentariu:

la botezatu spunea...

Stimate blogger, nu stiu cine esti, ce confesiune de credinta ai, insa presupun ca esti roman, crestin practicant si vrei sa nu-i lasi prada uitarii pe cei care au marcat prin credinta lor de neclintit, prin vertcalitatea trairii lor duhovnicesti, prin stralucita lor marturie de viata plapanda noastra credinta . Suferinta indurata de ei, prin chinuri si torturi inumane, uneori, prin hartuiti prin arestari si anchete, prigoanele de tot felul care i-au lovit pe ei si pe familiile lor ne-au insuflat si noua curaj sa traversam desertul parjolit spiritual al epocii comuniste.
Am totusi rugamintea, stimate blogger, sa revizuiesti aceasta lista si sa inlaturi de acolo ultimele doua persoane care nu ca n-au ce cauta acolo, ci intineaza numele bun si mireasma placuta a marturiei celorlalti. O simpla cautare pe internet iti poate furniza destule motive ca sa dai credit si curs rugamintii mele. Sunt credincios baptist din anii '60 ai secolului trecut si trebuie sa recunosc ca mi-a fost destul de greu sa ma decid sa fac aici acest comentariu. Cu aleasa consideratie, Cristi Botezatu